Definitions of Privatized Pages

Definitions of Privatized Pages

After enabling Layout Engine, the template code of Privatized Pages are all branched out for your customizations.The appearance of these pages will change according to your editing of each file.

On the other hand, the template code of SHOPLINE System Pages is not offered for your customization because it controls the behavior of crucial e-commerce checkout & signup, sign in flow.

Privatized PagesSHOPLINE System Pages
Header (Including Menu Navigation)Checkout flow(Cart>Complete Info>Conform Order)
FooterSignup flow(Signup / Sign in / Forgot password)
Product listing pageSHOP Builder non-product Widgets
Product listing page - Instant add-to-cart popupExpress checkout page & 1-Page Store
Product details pagePLP instant-add-to-cart popup
Search result page
Promotion campaign page
Blog post
Blog posts list
Mini cart
Member Center
Shop closed page
500 page
404 page
System email notifications

You can find the code files of Privatized Pages according to Understand Layout Engine Editable Files.

主題私有頁 說明

啟用 Layout Engine 後,主題私有頁的 語法模板將從 Shopline 平台程式中被隔離定版,每個私有頁模塊都有對應開放編輯的檔案,後續的客製化都可以在這些語法模板檔案中進行,主題私有頁的前台顯示將依照你對每個頁面檔案的編輯異動。

另一方面,Shopline 系統頁面 的語法模板是沒有開發給商家修改的,系統頁面包含電商最關鍵的結帳、註冊登入流程,這些可能會因為客製化影響到商家業績的頁面,我們也不建議你透過任何外掛方式在這些頁面加上異動。

主題私有頁Shopline 系統頁
Header (Including Menu Navigation)Checkout flow(Cart>Complete Info>Conform Order)
FooterSignup flow(Signup / Signin/ Forgot password)
Product listing pageSHOP Builder non-product Widgets
Product listing page - Instant add-to-cart popupExpress checkout page & 1-Page Store
Product details pagePLP instant-add-to-cart popup
Search result page
Promotion campaign page
Blog post
Blog posts list
Mini cart
Member Center
Shop closed page
500 page
404 page
System email notifications

你可以在 Understand Layout Engine Editable Files 了解主題私有頁可以編輯的檔案