SHOP Builder(New Page Builder)
關於 SHOP Builder(New Page Builder)
您可以先參閱 SHOP Builder 的 Q&A 文件 來了解更多關於此功能的信息
僅支援使用 layout engine V2 店家,如V1 店家欲使用本功能,請聯絡業務申請升級到 layout engine V2
如何確認自己的 page 是由 SHOP Builder 所建立出的?
您可以前往網店設計的網店分頁頁面, 並且確認您的分頁名稱後面是否有 *support SHOP Builder 的標籤
若是有, 則代表此分頁必須遵照下面步驟修改您的 liquid 已確保該頁面能正常顯示
關於 SHOP Builder 所建造出來新頁面, 我們將其分為三塊
- Header
- Widgets
- Footer
每個項目會對應到不同需要 migration 的檔案,
下面會列出每個區塊所需要 migration 的檔案
a. Header
- theme.liquid
- cart_panel.js.liquid
- general.js.liquid
- menu.js.liquid
- product_detail.js.liquid
- menu_panel.liquid
- member_center.liquid
- theme.css.liquid
b. Widgets
- page.liquid
- promotion_page.liquid
c. Footer
- theme.liquid
您可以根據你所想要支援的項目, 來進行 liquid migration
若是你想要你的頁面同時支援 Widgets & footer, 但不需要支援 Header
那麼你只需要對 page.liquid & theme.liquid 進行 migration
若是你想要支援 Header Widget Footer 三者都支援的話
就需要對下面列出的檔案都進行 migration
- 若是您在 網店設計編輯 HTML/CSS 頁面內找不到上述的 liquid, 則不須擔心, 您不用在另外做改動
接下來會跟您說明該如何對這些檔案進行 migration
1. theme.liquid (For Header)
步驟一: 搜尋 theme.liquid
步驟二: 搜尋
{% include 'navigation_bar_desktop.liquid' %}
{% include 'navigation_bar_mobile.liquid' %}
步驟三: 將其替換為下列程式碼
{% if page.identifier != 'express_checkout' %}
{% render_announcement %}
{% if use_revamped_header %}
{% render_header %}
{% else %}
{% include 'navigation_bar_desktop.liquid' %}
{% include 'navigation_bar_mobile.liquid' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
2. cart_panel.js.liquid
步驟一: 搜尋 cart_panel.js.liquid
步驟二: 搜尋 hHeader = $('.NavigationBar.mod-desktop').height();
步驟三: 將 hHeader = $('.NavigationBar.mod-desktop').height();
- 步驟二與三可能需要執行兩次
hHeader = ($('.js-navbar-desktop').height() || 0) + ($('.js-announcement').height() || 0);
步驟四: 搜尋 docEl.css({ 'max-height': '100%', overflow: 'hidden' });
步驟五: 將docEl.css({ 'max-height': '100%', overflow: 'hidden' });
$('html').css({ 'max-height': '100%', overflow: '' });
$('body').css({ 'max-height': '100%', overflow: 'hidden' });
步驟六: 搜尋 docEl.css({ height: '', overflow: '' });
步驟七: 將其修改為 docEl.css({ 'max-height': '', overflow: '' });
步驟八: 搜尋 $('head').append('<style id="fix-cart">#cart-panel { top: ' + hHeader + 'px; }</style>');
步驟九: 將其修改為 $('head').append('<style id="fix-cart">#cart-panel { top: ' + hHeader + 'px; } @media (max-width: 1199px){ #cart-panel { top: 0; }}</style>');
步驟十: 搜尋 function setHeaderTop()
步驟十一: 將 function 內容修改為
PS: function setHeaderTop 的內容可能有在步驟三先被修改過, 但請放心這邊再行覆蓋不會有問題
function setHeaderTop() {
if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1199px)').matches) return;
var headerHeight = $('.js-navbar-desktop').height() || 0;
var announcementHeight = $('.js-announcement').height() || 0;
var headerMarginBottom = 20;
hHeader = headerHeight + announcementHeight;
if ($('.header--desktop').not('.header--sticky').length > 0 && $(window).scrollTop() >= hHeader) {
hHeader = hHeader - headerHeight + headerMarginBottom;
$('head #fix-cart').html('#cart-panel { top: ' + hHeader + 'px; } @media (max-width: 1199px){ #cart-panel { top: 0; }}');
步驟十二: 搜尋 $(window).on('scroll', _.throttle(setHeaderTop, 200));
步驟十三: 將其修改為 $(window).on('resize scroll', _.throttle(setHeaderTop, 200));
步驟十四: 搜尋 var navHeight = $('.js-navbar-desktop').height();
步驟十五: 將其修改為 hHeader = ($('.js-navbar-desktop').height() || 0) + ($('.js-announcement').height() || 0);
步驟十六: 搜尋 var cartItemListMaxHeight = navHeight + checkoutButtonContainerHeight + bottomSpace;
步驟十七: 將其修改為 var cartItemListMaxHeight = hHeader + checkoutButtonContainerHeight + bottomSpace;
步驟十八: 搜尋 var hHeader; hHeader = $('.js-navbar-desktop').height() || 0 + $('.js-announcement').height() || 0
步驟十九: 將其刪除
步驟二十: 找出 /* add top css for cart panel */
開頭至 $(window).on('resize scroll', _.throttle(setHeaderTop, 200));
/* add top css for cart panel */
$('head').append('<style id="fix-cart">#cart-panel { top: ' + hHeader + 'px; } @media (max-width: 1199px){ #cart-panel { top: 0; }}</style>');
function setHeaderTop() {
if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1199px)').matches) return;
hHeader = ($('.js-navbar-desktop').height() || 0) + ($('.js-announcement').height() || 0);
$('head #fix-cart').html('#cart-panel { top: ' + hHeader + 'px; } @media (max-width: 1199px){ #cart-panel { top: 0; }}');
$(window).on('load', setHeaderTop);
$(window).on('resize scroll', _.throttle(setHeaderTop, 200));
步驟二十一: 將其替換成下列程式碼
const announcementHeight = $('.js-announcement').height() || 0;
const headerHeight = $('.js-navbar-desktop').height() || 0;
const headerMarginBottom = 20;
let hHeader = headerHeight + announcementHeight;
$('head').append('<style id="fix-cart">#cart-panel { top: ' + hHeader + 'px; } @media (max-width: 1199px){ #cart-panel { top: 0; }}</style>');
步驟二十二: 找出 /* adjust cart panel in short browser*/
/* adjust cart panel in short browser*/
function adjustCartPanel() {
if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1199px)').matches) return;
var bottomSpace = 24;
hHeader = ($('.js-navbar-desktop').height() || 0) + ($('.js-announcement').height() || 0);
var checkoutButtonContainerHeight = $('#cart-panel .cart-chkt-btn-cont').outerHeight();
var cartItemListMaxHeight = hHeader + checkoutButtonContainerHeight + bottomSpace;
$('#cart-panel .cart-items').css({
'max-height': 'calc(100vh - ' + cartItemListMaxHeight + 'px)'
$(window).on('resize, scroll', _.debounce(function() {
}, 200));
步驟二十三: 將其替換成下列程式碼
function adjustCartPanel() {
if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1199px)').matches) return;
const hHeader = announcementHeight + ($('.js-navbar-desktop').height() || 0);
/* adjust cart panel in short browser */
const checkoutButtonContainerHeight = $('#cart-panel .cart-chkt-btn-cont').outerHeight();
const cartItemListMaxHeight = hHeader + checkoutButtonContainerHeight + STATIC_BUTTONS_PADDING_TOP;
$('#cart-panel .cart-items').css({
'max-height': 'calc(100vh - ' + cartItemListMaxHeight + 'px)'
/* adjust cart panel when header not sticky */
let cartPosition = hHeader;
if (
$('#shopline-section-header').length > 0 &&
$('#shopline-section-header').css('position') !== 'sticky' &&
$(window).scrollTop() >= hHeader
) {
cartPosition = cartPosition - headerHeight + headerMarginBottom;
$('head #fix-cart').html('#cart-panel { top: ' + cartPosition + 'px; } @media (max-width: 1199px){ #cart-panel { top: 0; }}');
$(window).on('load', adjustCartPanel);
$(window).on('resize, scroll', _.debounce(function() {
}, 200));
3. general.js.liquid
步驟一: 搜尋 general.js.liquid
步驟二: 找出
var hHeader = $header.height() + previewingClosedStoreBannerHeight || 0;
if ($('.Grid-row-wrapper').length > 0 && $('body.home.index').length > 0) {
步驟三: 替換成下列程式碼
var hHeader = ($header.height() || 0) + (previewingClosedStoreBannerHeight || 0);
var isSectionPage = $('.shopline-section').length > 0;
if (
$('body.home.index').length > 0 &&
(isSectionPage || $('.Grid-row-wrapper').length > 0)
) {
步驟四: 找出 if (isFullWidth || isBackground) {
步驟五: 替換成下列程式碼
var isSectionFullWidth = isSectionPage && $('.shopline-section').first().find('.section-full-width').length > 0;
if (isFullWidth || isBackground || isSectionFullWidth) {
步驟六: 找出 var image = $('.js-nav-logo img');
步驟七: 將其替換為下列程式碼
var image = $('.js-nav-logo img, .header__logo img');
步驟八: 找出 $('.js-select-sort, .js-select-limit, js-select-filter').removeAttr('style');
步驟九: 將其刪除
步驟十: 找出 if (payload.modalType !== modalTypes.QUICK_CART) return;
步驟十一: 將其替換為下列程式碼
if ([modalTypes.QUICK_CART, modalTypes.QUICK_CART_PRODUCT_SET].indexOf(payload.modalType) === -1) return;
步驟十二: 找出 $(document).on('click', '.js-btn-add-to-cart', function() {
步驟十三: 將其刪除 $(document).on('click', '.js-btn-add-to-cart', function() {
$(document).on('click', '.js-btn-add-to-cart', function() {
if ($(window).width() < 992) {
/* diable click sort when popup show */
$('.js-select-sort, .js-select-limit, .js-select-filter').css('pointer-events', 'none');
步驟十四: 到 general.js.liquid 的最底部,增加下列程式碼
if (
$('body.cart.index, body.checkout.index, body.orders.confirm').length === 0 &&
$('#shopline-section-header').length > 0
) {
$('#shopline-section-header').css('top', ($('#shopline-section-announcement').height() || 0));
if ($('body.home.index').length > 0) {
/* Should fix header when the first widget type on the OPB page is carousel or image. */
var firstGridRowWrapper = $('.Grid-row-wrapper').first();
var shouldFixHeaderForOpbPage =
firstGridRowWrapper.length > 0 &&
firstGridRowWrapper.find('.Grid-item').length === 1 &&
'.editor-boxify-image-wrapper, .ImageItem-carouselContainer',
).length > 0;
/* When the first image widget has no content, check whether the second widget type is image. */
if (shouldFixHeaderForOpbPage && firstGridRowWrapper.find('.Grid-item').first().find('.image-container').children().length === 0) {
var secondGridRowWrapper =;
shouldFixHeaderForOpbPage =
secondGridRowWrapper.length > 0 &&
secondGridRowWrapper.find('.Grid-item').length === 1 &&
'.editor-boxify-image-wrapper, .ImageItem-carouselContainer',
).length > 0;
/* Should fix header when first widget type on OPB page is gallery or slideshow with fullscreen option turned on. */
var isSectionPage = $('.shopline-section').length > 0;
var shouldFixHeaderForNpbPage =
isSectionPage &&
.find('.gallery__mask, .slideshow__list').length > 0;
var shouldFixHeader = shouldFixHeaderForOpbPage || shouldFixHeaderForNpbPage;
var fixedHeader = function () {
'position: fixed !important; top: ' +
($('#shopline-section-announcement').height() || 0) +
var transparentHead = function () {
$('.header').attr('style', 'position: absolute !important');
var resetHeader = function () {
if ($('.header').hasClass('header--sticky')) {
if (shouldFixHeader) {
} else {
$(window).on('scroll', _.debounce(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= 100) {
} else {
}, 200));
} else {
if (shouldFixHeader) {
} else {
4. menu.js.liquid
步驟一: 搜尋 menu.js.liquid
步驟二: 找出 top: + + $('.trial-banner').height()
步驟三: 將其替換為下列程式碼
top: (
( || 0) +
( || 0) +
($('.trial-banner').height() || 0) +
($('.js-announcement').height() || 0) -
($('.header--desktop:not(.header--sticky)').length ? window.scrollY : 0)
步驟四: 找出
var trialBannerHeight = $('.trial-banner').height() || 0;
$('.js-product-searchfield-form').css('top', trialBannerHeight);
步驟五: 替換成
var bannerHeight = ($('.trial-banner').height() || 0) + ($('.js-announcement').height() || 0);
$('.js-product-searchfield-form').css('top', bannerHeight);
步驟六: 找出 function setThickMenu(setPosition)
步驟七: 在 setThickMenu 內的 var $logo = $('.js-nav-logo').eq(1).find('img');
if (!$logo[0]) {
$logo = $('.header__logo.header__logo--home img')
步驟八: 找出 function setThinMenu(setPosition)
步驟九: 在 setThinMenu 內的 var $logo = $('.js-nav-logo').eq(0).find('img');
if (!$logo[0]) {
$logo = $('.header__logo:not(.header__logo--home) img, .header__logo.header__logo--top-center img')
步驟十: 找出 var menus = null;
步驟十一: 在上方加入
function setMobileSearchBarPosition() {
var bannerHeight = ($('.trial-banner').height() || 0) + ($('.js-announcement').height() || 0);
$('.js-product-searchfield-form').css('top', bannerHeight);
步驟十二: 找出$(window).on('resize', _.throttle(function() {
內的 setMenuPosition();
步驟十三: 在setMenuPosition();
後加入 setMobileSearchBarPosition()
5. product_detail.js.liquid
步驟一: 搜尋 product_detail.js.liquid
步驟二: 找出hHeader = $('.js-navbar-desktop').height();
步驟三: 替換成hHeader = ($('.js-navbar-desktop').height() || 0) + ($('.js-announcement').height() || 0);
步驟四: 找出$(window).load(function() {
$(window).load(function() {
步驟五: 將其替換為下列程式碼
$(window).load(function() {
/* Fix timing of mobile sticky button display, when replace product image placeholder or carousel change image */
if ($(window).width() <= 767) {
const observer = new ResizeObserver(_.throttle(() => {
btns.forEach(function (sel) {
const $btn = $(sel);
if ($btn.length) {
pos = $btn.offset().top;
if (document.querySelectorAll('.ProductDetail-product-gallery img').length === 2) {
/* only one picture */
}, 500, { trailing: true }));
/* add custom button add to cart and fixed if scroll through button add to cart default */
if ($(window).width() > 767) {
const spbBarHeight = $('#spb-information-bar').height() || 0;
const $header = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1199px)').matches ? $('.js-navbar-mobile') : $('.js-navbar-desktop');
let hHeader = ($('.js-announcement').height() || 0);
/* if new page builder not sticky, not add header height */
if ($('#shopline-section-header').length === 0 || $('#shopline-section-header').css('position') === 'sticky') {
hHeader = hHeader + ($header.height() || 0);
$('.js-sticky-cart-button-container').css('top', hHeader + STATIC_BUTTONS_PADDING_TOP + spbBarHeight);
$(window).scroll(function() {
if ($(window).width() > 767) {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > pos && !isAvailableTimeDisabled) {
} else {
} else {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > pos) {
} else {
6. menu_panel.liquid
步驟一: 搜尋 menu_panel.liquid
步驟二: 找出
<div class="MenuPanel-section-header">
{{ 'shopline_translations.themes.menu_panel.others' | translate }}
<ul class="MenuPanel-othersMenu">
{% if shop.multicurrency_enabled %}
<li class="List-item App-currencyDropdown" >
<a class="Label sl-currency-menu-open"><span class="fa fa-dollar"></span></a>
{% endif %}
步驟三: 將其全部替換為下面程式碼
{% if use_revamped_header %}
{% if header.settings.message_style == "none" %}{% assign hideMessage = true %}{% endif %}
{% if header.settings.language_selector_style == "none" %}{% assign hideLanguageSelector = true %}{% endif %}
{% if header.settings.currency_selector_style != "none" %}{% assign showCurrencySelector = true %}{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% assign hideMessage = false %}
{% assign hideLanguageSelector = shop.hide_language_selector %}
{% assign showCurrencySelector = shop.multicurrency_enabled %}
{% endif %}
{% unless hideMessage and hideLanguageSelector and showCurrencySelector != true %}
<div class="MenuPanel-section-header">
{{ 'shopline_translations.themes.menu_panel.others' | translate }}
<ul class="MenuPanel-othersMenu">
{% unless hideMessage %}
<li class="List-item">
<a class="MessageDialog-showButton sl-message-toggle">
<i class="fa fa-comment"></i> {{ 'shopline_translations.themes.menu_panel.messaging' | translate }}
{% endunless %}
{% unless hideLanguageSelector %}
<li class="List-item">
<a class="sl-language-menu-open">
<svg class="fa fa-v5-globe">
<use xlink:href="#fa-v5-globe"></use>
{{ }}
{% endunless %}
{% if showCurrencySelector %}
<li class="List-item App-currencyDropdown" >
<a class="Label sl-currency-menu-open"><span class="fa fa-dollar"></span></a>
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
7. member_center.liquid
步驟一: 搜尋 member_center.liquid
步驟二: 找出<section class="MemberCenter block-inner">
步驟三: 替換成 <section class="MemberCenter block-inner {% unless header.settings.is_sticky_header %} without-sticky-header {% endunless %}">
8. theme.css.liquid
步驟一: theme.css.liquid
步驟二: 在最底下加入以下程式碼
body.page_builder #Content {
padding-bottom: 0;
body.page_builder .CustomPage {
margin-bottom: 0;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
body.users.edit .MemberCenter.without-sticky-header .sr-tab {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
1. page.liquid
步驟一: 搜尋 page.liquid
步驟二: 找出 <div class="CustomPage">
並且在此 div 中插入下面的語法
{% content_for_index %}
<div class="CustomPage">
{% content_for_index %}
{% for row in custom_page.rows %}
<div class="Grid-row-wrapper
{% if row.full_width %} m-full-width {% endif %}
{% if row.remove_padding %} m-remove-padding {% endif %}"
2. promotion_page.liquid
步驟一: 搜尋 promotion_page.liquid
步驟二: 找出 <img src="" alt="promotion expired">
步驟三: 將其改成下列程式碼
{% if use_revamped_theme_settings %}
<svg><use xlink:href="#icon-expired"></use></svg>
{% else %}
<svg viewBox="0 0 146 140">
<g id="icon_expired" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="Group-24-Copy">
<path d="M100,59.000133 C100,61.2092768 101.790723,63 104.000133,63 C106.209277,63 108,61.2092768 108,59.000133 C108,56.7909892 106.209277,55 104.000133,55 C101.790723,55 100,56.7909892 100,59.000133" id="Fill-1" />
<path d="M84,59.000133 C84,56.7909892 82.2092768,55 79.999867,55 C77.7907232,55 76,56.7909892 76,59.000133 C76,61.2092768 77.7907232,63 79.999867,63 C82.2092768,63 84,61.2092768 84,59.000133" id="Fill-3" />
<path d="M31.999867,55 C29.7907232,55 28,56.7909892 28,59.000133 C28,61.2092768 29.7907232,63 31.999867,63 C34.2092768,63 36,61.2092768 36,59.000133 C36,56.7909892 34.2092768,55 31.999867,55" id="Fill-5" />
<path d="M56.999867,55 C54.7907232,55 53,56.7909892 53,59.000133 C53,61.2092768 54.7907232,63 56.999867,63 C59.2092768,63 61,61.2092768 61,59.000133 C61,56.7909892 59.2092768,55 56.999867,55" id="Fill-7" />
<path d="M31.999867,79 C29.7907232,79 28,80.7907232 28,83.000133 C28,85.2092768 29.7907232,87 31.999867,87 C34.2092768,87 36,85.2092768 36,83.000133 C36,80.7907232 34.2092768,79 31.999867,79" id="Fill-9" />
<path d="M56.999867,79 C54.7907232,79 53,80.7907232 53,83.000133 C53,85.2092768 54.7907232,87 56.999867,87 C59.2092768,87 61,85.2092768 61,83.000133 C61,80.7907232 59.2092768,79 56.999867,79" id="Fill-11" />
<path d="M31.999867,100 C29.7907232,100 28,101.790783 28,104 C28,106.209217 29.7907232,108 31.999867,108 C34.2092768,108 36,106.209217 36,104 C36,101.790783 34.2092768,100 31.999867,100" id="Fill-13" />
<path d="M56.999867,100 C54.7907232,100 53,101.790783 53,104 C53,106.209217 54.7907232,108 56.999867,108 C59.2092768,108 61,106.209217 61,104 C61,101.790783 59.2092768,100 56.999867,100" id="Fill-15" />
<g id="Group-19">
<mask id="mask-2" fill="white">
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1. theme.liquid (For Footer)
步驟一: 搜尋 theme.liquid
步驟二: 搜尋 {% include 'footer.liquid' %}
將 {% include 'footer.liquid' %}
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Custom Page
1. theme.liquid (For Custom Page)
步驟一: 搜尋 theme.liquid
步驟二: 搜尋 elements = isQuickCartProduct(imageClass) ? $('product-item') : $('.Product-item');
將 elements = isQuickCartProduct(imageClass) ? $('product-item') : $('.Product-item');
elements = isQuickCartProduct(imageClass) ? $('product-item, .CustomPage .product-item') : $('.Product-item');
Updated 12 months ago