What is Layout Engine?
Layout Engine is a tool that allows merchants to customize and control the look and feel of their shop to their own brand style.
After enabling Layout Engine, you shall be able to edit / adjust the appearance of Privatized Pages on Your Store using CSS, JS, HTML, JSON, and Liquid.
❗ Please note that the preparation and maintenance of layout engine customized pages shall be managed by you. Routine checkups for Your Store are suggested to ensure a smooth operation.
Before using layout engine, make sure you read & understand the instructions below:
- Claims for Layout Engine Users
- SHOPLINE Storefront Customization Solutions
- Definitions of Privatized Pages
什麼是 Layout Engine?
Layout Engine 是一個工具,允許店家依據自己的品牌風格自訂和控制其網路商店的外觀和感覺。
啟用後,您將可以編輯/調整網路商店中「主題私有頁」的外觀, Layout Engine 功能支援 CSS, JS, HTML, JSON, 與 Liquid 語法進行客製
為確保你完全了解此功能的應用場景及其限制,啟用 Layout Engine 前,請詳細閱讀以下功能說明:
Updated 10 months ago