Understand Layout Engine Editable Files

After activating Layout Engine, you shall see the entrance of Code Editor on your ADMIN panel, which enables you to change the default template of Privatized Pages’ component by editing relevant files.

There are files for each storefront component, please refer to below table to know which file to start your own customization.

Storefront FieldsLayout Engine File
Header (Including Menu Navigation)theme.liquid
Snippets > navigation_bar_mobile.liquid
Snippets > navigation_bar_desktop.liquid
Snippets > menu_panel.liquid
Snippets > light_nav.liquid
Snippets > dark_nav.laquid
FooterSnippets > footer.liquid
Shopping CartSnippets > cart_panel.liquid
Product Details PagesTemplate > product_detail liquid
Product details pageExpress checkout page & 1-Page Store
Product Listing Pages Template > products liquid
Template > product liquid
Template > quick_cart_product liquid
Blog Listing PagesTemplate > posts liquid
Blog Post Pagespost.liquid
Advance PagesTemplate > page.liquid
*Product item displayed in widgets are using the template from Template > product.liquid
*SHOP Builder Widgets is not open for customization by Layout Engine (system page)
Promotion Related PagesTemplate > promotion_page liquid
Template > promotion_product liquid
Template > redeem_gift_page liquid
Template > redeem_gift_item liquid
Other Shop PagesTemplate > 404 liquid
Template > 500 liquid
Template > closed liquid
Email Notificationsemail.liquid
Other Store Layouttheme.liquid

If you want to change CSS style on pages, under the Asset folder, there are CSS files for different storefront pages/components.

You can also create your own css.liquid files and extract certain file on a specific page by adding below code on theme.lliquid:

{% if page.url == '/' %}  
    {{ 'custom_homepage.css' | asset_source }}  
{% endif %}