The shop object contains following attributes:

Object Fields

FieldData TypeDescription
shop.currencyStringReturns the shop's currency in three-letter format.
e.g. USD
shop.domainStringReturns the primary domain of the shop.
shop.emailStringReturns the shop's email address.
shop.nameStringReturns the shop's name.
shop.permanent_domainStringReturns the URL of a shop.
Remarks: Not available when a custom domain is configured
shop.urlStringReturns the full URL of a shop.
shop.secure_urlStringReturns the full URL of a shop prepended by the https protocol.
shop.current_localeObjectReturns the locale object that the shop is currently displayed in.
it contains attributes code and name
shop.enabled_payment_typesArrayReturns an array of accepted credit cards for the shop.
Possible values: visa, master, amex, paypal, prizm, tw_711_pay, tw_fm_pay, allpay, linepay, ecpay, esun, taishin or sinopac
shop.money_with_currency_formatStringReturns a string that is used to format money while also displaying the currency.
Possible values: HK$, CN¥, NT$, US$, S$, A$, £, PHP, RM, ฿, DH, or
shop.supported_localesObjectReturns the locale object that the shop support (excludes current locale).
It contains same format with shop.current_locale.
shop.logoStringReturns the logo image url that the shop set in admin console
shop.messages_enabledBooleanReturns true if the shop enabled message to shop feature.
shop.multicurrency_enabledBooleanReturns true if the shop enabled multi-currency feature.
shop.supported_currenciesArrayReturns an array of currency object.
It contains following attributes: name, symbol and iso_code.
shop.featuresArrayReturns an array of features which the shop enabled.
shop.custom_footerStringReturns HTML string of store footer from footer builder

Currency Possible values:

HKD$ HKD$hkd
CNY¥ CNY¥cny
TWD$ TWD$twd
USD$ USD$usd
SGD$ SGD$sgd
AUD$ AUD$aud
GBP£ GBP£gbp
THB฿ THB฿thb
AEDد.إ AEDد.إaed
JPY¥ JPY¥jpy
BND$ BND$bnd

Code Example

<div> Code: {{ shop.current_locale.code }} </div>
<div> Name: {{ }} </div>

{% for currency in shop.supported_currencies %}
  <div> Name: {{ }} </div>
  <div> Symbol: {{ currency.symbol }} </div>
  <div> ISO code: {{ currency.iso_code }} </div>
{% endfor %}